Does the thought of conquering your first-ever four-thousand-metre peak seem impossible? It’s not in Zermatt. On the contrary, the Breithorn is the ideal opportunity for you to breathe the air at four thousand metres for the first time. So aim high and set off for the 4164-metre summit!
The Breithorn is a heavily glaciated ridge comprising several peaks. Although it is considered one of the easiest four-thousanders in the Alps, you are not advised to attempt the ascent unless accompanied by an experienced guide.
Do not underestimate the risks involved when climbing in the Alps – crevasses, for instance. It is essential to have the correct equipment, including crampons and harness, and also to be physically fit and sure-footed.

Breithorn guided tour
Guided tours set off from the Klein Matterhorn. The hike up to the Breithorn then takes about three hours from the Matterhorn Glacier Paradise mountain station, which at an altitude of 3883 metres is the highest in Europe. Ample reward awaits you at the summit: stunning views over 38 other four-thousand-metre peaks in the Italian, Swiss and French Alps. So, which one are you going to tackle next?
- Length: 5.4 kilometres
- Duration: approx. 3 hours 20 minutes
- Difficulty level: moderate
- Not suitable for children under 12 years of age